Why switch to a supplier, after assessing your energy bills? The local utility variable rate has seemingly been working fine, but it’s a bit unpredictable in terms of how rates will vary month-to-month while staying with the default local utility.
Shopping with a deregulated energy broker can help speed up the process of invoice analysis, communicating with vendors for you, and seeing if they can really save you money over time. It’s not always the case, but as an energy consumer, you’ll have a better understanding of where your energy consumption demands are and how you can control them better. The best case would be to sign on with a retail electricity provider/supplier in your deregulated state, so you can have peace of mind, over the length of your agreement, that your supply charge won’t experience any market fluctuations or volatility.
So you may be wondering how to actually participate in the power of CHOICE in the deregulated energy market. See below for steps on how to take action and better manage your energy, by signing on with a new or different retail energy provider.
Check if your current energy supply is with the default utility or already signed up under a supplier agreement.
See above sub-bullets for sample invoices from each utility.
If you notice that there is a name other than the above four options in the
section of the invoice, you may already have signed up with a supplier. If so, contact the supplier at the customer service # provided and request details on your agreement (term, rate, expiration, etc.)
It can be a confusing process at times, but understanding the difference is very important. If you still aren’t sure, email us your invoice at
info@goananta.com and cc:
support@goananta.com and we can help you analyze your bill for this information.
Your Price to Compare will essentially be in comparison to your weighted average rate, over 3-12 months. For us to calculate this average rate and price to compare, we need 3-12 recent invoices to be able to run a proper analysis. 12 Months-worth is ideal.
Knowing the language built into your contract will help you decide.
Working with an energy procurement manager, (That’s us– Ananta!) will help and guide you through this process and do most of the work for you, if you choose to work with us!
Your new supplier will notify your local utility company and you should receive an update from both, ensuring that your contract has been processed and your electric supply charge will start on the given start date and the fixed, all-in rate will be set for your contract duration!
And there you have it! Shopping in such a deregulated energy market is not always so simple to do on your own, but we can help you understand the energy brokering model and hopefully we’ll be able to find you savings in the near future!
Contact us
here with any questions or if you want to start the energy shopping process!
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