For Ananta clients who want to stay up-to-date with their energy rates, renewal options, and timelines with expiration dates, Ananta’s Track & Monitor program might be the right strategy for you.
We build a platform that allows our operations team to interact with your organization to collect the necessary invoices we need to track necessary data we want ensuring your organization has a pulse on the energy market. We want you in the driver’s seat, so your company is informed when making important decisions that impact your energy budgets. Especially for companies that do not have the resources, or time to manage this process; Ananta’s Track & Monitor Program can alleviate the stress of managing your energy overhead in the deregulated energy markets you do business in.
Whether you’re a commercial account who has an energy contract expiring in the future, or you’re an commercial account that’s, “weathering the storm,” and not under contract; currently floating month-to-month on a variable rate plan, Ananta Energy Source could be your dedicated energy team that tracks the best energy rates being offered by some of the the best energy providers in the country. Locking in your energy rates for your business can be compared to following your favorite stock and buying-in when the “price is low.” With Ananta’s Track & Monitor Program, we help our clients lock-in, or buy and hedge their energy budgets when the market is right for their risk-appetite.
We’re tracking these offers alongside other commodities such as natural gas futures, crude, and soon, coal. There’s a strong correlation between these commodities and energy prices we see being offered for both wholesale electricity and wholesale natural gas.
With the recent volatility that’s been taking place in the energy industry the last 12 months, it’s more important now than ever to stay ahead of the curve on your energy rates, energy contracts, and their expiration dates. For folks who hedged their energy budgets for the long-term (ie: 3 - 10 years) and locked-in prior June 2021, this may not concern you for the next few months.* For those who have an energy agreement expiring within the next 24 months, enrolling into our Track & Monitor Program would be highly beneficial.
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