As of 2022, there are eleven electric utility companies distributing power throughout Pennsylvania. Depending on where your business or home is your energy utility company may be different than another address.
Your energy utility company is your electric distributor. These are companies that maintain your power lines and transmit electricity to your business or home. You may see their trucks on the road when the power goes out.
Below is a list of the local utility companies / electricity distributors in Pennsylvania.
Citizens' Electric Company
Duquesne Light
PECO Energy
Penn Power
Pike County Light & Power
PPL Electric Utilities
Wellsboro Electric Company
West Penn Power
The electric utility company distributing your energy should not be confused with your electricity supplier, also known as your energy provider. When shopping for new energy rates in PA, you will work with a new electricity supplier. Your power will still be delivered by your local utility company.
Here is am infographic showing the flow on energy from the the generators to you.
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