Will your business be affected by the Duke Energy rate increase in 2023? Similar to AEP and all the deregulated Ohio electricity utilities, they held their auctions in tranches between September 2022 and February 2023, respectively.
Effective June 2023, these Duke Energy default rates are scheduled to increase to a rate of $0.08938/kWh.
Duke Energy held their auctions twice with their first tranche hedged September 20, 2022 with 20% of the load at a rate of $115.75/MWh ($0.11575/kWh) and the second tranche hedged last month on February 21, 2023 with the remaining 80% at a rate of $82.79/MWh ($0.08279/kWh).
See below for the Duke Energy auction results:
When you look at their weighted-average rate, you have an actual rate of $0.089338/kWh, which will be the average price-to-compare (PTC) in the DUKE Energy utilities. The weighted-average-rate is broken down below:
Once again, if you haven’t locked your rates yet, and want transparent open-book pricing on the wholesale electricity market, please visit our website for more information and/or
contact us and learn how we can help you take steps to prevent your business from AEP’s next scheduled rate hike.
For a detailed utility territory map of DUKE Energy, please take a look at the map below:
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