This graph illustrates ACTUAL ComEd-Hourly Load hotel customers and their variable rates since the beginning of the year. For nearly a decade, limited service hotels were at an advantage of of this load because 60%-70% of their energy consumption was taking place in the evening during off-peak hours, and those rates were extremely low and favorable. We'd advised SEVERAL Hoteliers with limited-service properties to just stay with ComEd because it was the most cost-effective option.
Things have changed!
Fast forward to present day, we've included a side-by-side-by-SIDE comparison of 2 full-service hotels using 1.8 million annual kWhs - 2 million annual kWhs with a limited service hotel using approximately 500,000 annual kWh.
As you can see, since June 2021, these rates have been consistently over 5 cents, and with all the bullish variables out there (ie: weather, LNG exports, hurricane Ida, etc), these rates have not come back down. With winter just around the corner, normally we see an uptick in pricing. What steps have you taken to protect yourself from rate increases? Ananta is here to answer any
questions or concerns you may have.
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